Who We Are
Wyoming Back Country Horsemen (WYBCH) is a group of local men and women dedicated to the preservation of our right to the common sense use and enjoyment of pack and saddle stock in Wyoming's wilderness and backcountry. We are a nonprofit organization focused exclusively on ensuring public lands throughout Wyoming remain accessible to equestrians. Through our principles we advocate for private recreational pack and saddle stock use of all public lands and the stewardship of those lands.
The Back Country Horsemen of America is the only national organization that promotes the use of private recreational pack and saddle stock use on our public lands nationwide. The seven chapters located around the state of Wyoming work with the blessing and support of public agencies all over the state. We also provide training in LEAVE NO TRACE principles and techniques to minimize our equestrian impact on the backcountry.
Wyoming Back Country Horsemen of America is a non-profit organization presently made up of seven chapters spread across our great state. These chapters work with public agencies in their areas and have developed relationships to assist these agencies in making decisions for the good of recreational stock users.
The idea of forming a back country horseman's group came about after the passage of the Wilderness Act in 1964 by concerned horse users in Montana. The first club was formed there in 1973.
The BCHA movement spread and by 1979 a number of Montana and Idaho clubs formed the basis of Back Country Horsemen of America. Currently there are approximately 150 local chapters with a membership of over 14,000 nationwide.
In 1989, the Wind River BCHA of the Riverton-Lander area was organized as the first chapter in Wyoming. Since that time, chapters have been formed statewide with a current membership
of over 400 individuals. The Wyoming BCHA was formed in 1993.
Since 1996, the Wyoming Back Country Horsemen of America have contributed over $588,820 in volunteer labor on trails, at trailheads, and in educational roles.

We Invite you!
Please consider becoming a BCH member. Our many fun activities also help create opportunities for every equestrian to get involved. As a member, you can meet new equestrian friends, help us build credible relationships with local and regional federal state and city forest partners, be informed on news that impacts our equestrian access to public lands and help on a work party now and then. There is fun for everyone.
In 2020, Wyoming BCH donated 4706 work hours, and drove a total of 23,039 miles.
The total value of our donated efforts came to $246,504.20