Shoshone Chapter

Serving the Cody/Greybull area -
SBCH is a 501(c)(3)
Welcome to the Shoshone Chapter of Wyoming Back Country Horsemen.
Monthly Meetings
When: Third Thursday of the month. Check calendar for meeting schedule.
How to Join Shoshone BCH
Shoshone Back Country Horsemen currently only offers one option for joining. Please print the paper application to take to your next Chapter meeting, and pay by check at that time.
Membership is $40 per Person or Husband and Wife per Year.
Shoshone BCH Events Calendar
Monthly Newsletter
The monthly newsletter not only provides news about the chapter, it also contains a copy of the Chapter Meeting Minutes.
Chapter Officers
President: Kathi Gimmeson
Vice President: Kandy Christian
Treasurer: Cindy Geissier
Secretary: Lydia Yoder
Director: Kandy Christian
Director: Barry Reiswig
Volunteer Work Hours: Howard Sanders
Contact Shoshone Chapter
Visit Shoshone BCH website.