With Your Donation Today
Wyoming Back Country Horsmen is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
Wyoming Back Country Horsemen is a nonprofit organization focused exclusively on ensuring public lands throughout Wyoming remain accessible to equestrians.
Your donations make it possible to fund projects in support of our mission. These activities foster opportunities for every equestrian, they build credible relationships with local and regional federal state and city forest partners and provide lasting bonds with family, friends and our environment.
So help us by becoming a Wyoming Back Country Horsemen member or making a donation.

Wyoming Back Country Horsemen as a 501(c)(3) non-profit relies on our memberships and donors to help fund projects and programs that support our mission and principals. WYBCH being a 501(c)(3) means a large percentage of your donation is tax-free.
Wyoming Back Country Horsemen is an all-volunteer organization, we are passionate about ensuring equestrians can continue to access those places we have always ridden in the past. When you make a donation, 100% of your donation goes toward ensuring equestrians can always ride on your favorite public trail.
We gratefully accept donations by mail. You may send a donation to our Fundraising and Grants Committee, P O Box 5044, Etna WY 83118.
Note: Please see your tax adviser for details on tax-deductible contributions made to Wyoming Back Country Horsemen, or visit the IRS website.